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Fence City - Fence Assembly Instructions
If you have purchased a ready to assemble fence, it is easiest to assemble if you utilize the in-line posts as a guide.
You simply put the rails in the holes of the posts and then slide your pickets through the rails/ stringers. All of the ready to assemble styles are flush bottom. This means that your pickets do not protrude through the bottom rail.
If you have purchased 2 rail fence there is a top rail and there is a bottom rail. The top rail simply has drill holes in it for the assembly screws. The bottom rail is routed and also has drill holes for the assembly screws.
If you have purchased a 3 rail fence ready to be assembled then you utilized 2 bottom rails, one going at the bottom as instructed above and the other is approximately 6 or 7 inches down from the top rail.
You are supplied with the Screws that are 1/2” long and they are used to (assemble) the fence panels.
The 1” Screws are for attaching the sections to the posts (installation) through the pre-drilled holes on the posts.
NOTE: If you have purchased the Smart Time, “ELBA” or the Ultra, “UAF-200” style, every picket goes up to the top rail. In the”ELBA” style there are 14 - 1” x 5/8” Pickets and in the “UAF-200” there are 15 - 5/8” x 5/8” pickets
NOTE: If you have purchased the Smart Time, “DORIA” or the Ultra, “UAF-250” style, every other picket goes up to the top rail. In the”Doria” style there are 14 - 1” x 5/8” Pickets ( 7 spear & 7 straight ) Looking at the section with the screw side “UP” your 1st picket on the left hand side of the section is a Spear your 2nd picket is a straight picket and so on. You will note that your top rail has seven pre-drilled holes in it for the “DORIA” style. They are spaced so that you put a screw in every straight picket.
In the “UAF-250” there are 15 - 5/8” x 5/8” pickets, 8 Spear and 7 Straight. The Ultra “UAF-250 starts and ends with a “Spear” picket. You are top rail also has seven holes in it and one screw goes in every straight picket.
Utilizing the post that came with your fence as a guide makes it much easier to determine where your rails should be placed when you are screwing in the assembly screws.
In most cases you have must have all of your pickets in place before you can install the top rail.
If you have purchased an Assembled product you need not worry about any of the above.
NOTE: In some cases we supply your order with Free “Post Brackets,” this only occurs when you're posts are not pre-punched to except the rails and usually it is the gate post because they heavy wall and not able to be punched by the machine.

When using a Post bracket you MUST CUT one inch (1”) off the one end of every rail that is going to attach to the post with brackets. Only cut the end of the section going into the bracketed post.
The reason for this is the other posts that are pre-punched allow the rail to slide into them approximately one inch.
*** If you do not cut this 1 inch off the rails you're spacing between the post and your 1st picket will be greater than 4 inches and not be within code if the fence is for a swimming pool and will not match the spacing between your pickets on the other sections throughout your job.
The post spacing for a residential section of fence is 72” ( six foot ) on center. We suggest that you dig a 8 inch diameter by 24 - 30 inchs deep hole. Using the one inch (1”) screws attach the rails of the fence sections to the posts and the use concrete to fill the post holes.
It is very rare for there to be a job that doesn't require a cut section. The easiest way to perform this task is to measure from the center of one posed to the center of the next post.
Cut you're section to the appropriate length and then you need to notch your rails so that they fit in the pre-punched holes in your posts.
Gates: FIRST , always measure the width of the gate that you have purchased. Set the opening between your gate posts 1-1/2” greater than the width of the gate that you are installing.
Example: if your gate measures 46 1/2 inches then you're opening BETWEEN your gate post will be 48 inches. If your gate measures 49 inches then the opening between your gate post should be 50 1/2 inches.
Double Gates: FIRST, take the measurement of both gates and add 2 1/2 inches for hardware. Example: if your gates combined measure 94 inches then the distance between your gateposts should be 96 1/2 inches.